Friday, August 19, 2005

PHP Users authorization - some ideas?

User management is always a problem with web developers. You can see everywhere, that a visitor must sign up for several times in order to use different service in one website. That is boring and makes a lot of people run away. If you are the one who create a full website for yourself, I think you will unite the user management. That is true for some famous open source like php-nuke, xoops.
Basically, the user management involves 2 database tables, say, tb_users and tb_groups. tb_users contains user_id, user_name, user_password, group_id and other information.
tb_groups contains group_id, group_name and some authority like: auth_view, auth_post, auth_upload,...
Whenever a user is logged and try to use a service, the php code will check the database to see if he have right or not.
The following is a proposal function to it conveniently

function check_auth($user_id,$auth)
////For example check_auth('upload')
global $_CONNECTION;
$sql="SELECT $field
WHERE group_id=$group_id";
if ($result=mysql_query($sql,$_CONNECTION))
if (mysql_num_rows($result))
return mysql_result($result,0,$field);
return 0;
return 0;
}//end function

If you have other ideas, please share ;)

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